2019 Potain MC320 K16 minora krani sotiladi

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Mahsulot tavsifi

Model NO:Potain MC320 K16

Maksimal ish diapazoni va uchi yuki (m/t):70/2,7 (m/t)

Maks. Yuk ko'tarish:16t/20m



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Biz mijozlarimizga samaradorlikni oshirish va xarajatlarni kamaytirishga yordam berish uchun yuqori sifatli, ishonchli ishlatiladigan minora kran uskunalarini taqdim etamiz.

Introduction to the Potain MC320 K16 Tower Crane

Potain MC320 K16 Tower Crane is a tower crane manufactured by Potain. It has a maximum lifting capacity of 16 tons, a maximum jib length of 70 meters, an end lift of 2.7 tons. Standard Section Model is L68, The tower has a standard 2.0x2.0x3.0 meter mast section with various cross section options and compatibility with existing foundations, and an adjustable climbing configuration. The jib is compact and fits well with the counterbalance arm and tower head for easy transportation and assembly.

2019 Potain MC320 K16 Tower Crane For Sale - Photo1

»POTAIN MC320 Tower Crane Basic Info«

Bog'lash turi: Hammerhead-tower-crane Ichki raqam btt01-4
Brend nomi: POTAIN Model: MC 320A K16
Maks. Yuklash: 16 Ton/20m Ip uzunligi: 70 m
Jib uchiga yuklang: 2.7 Ton/70m Vaziyat Ishlatilgan
Mast bo'limi hajmi:  2x2x3m Yil 2019
Erkin turish: 51.7m Maks. Tik turgan: 250m


"Batafsil fotosuratlar"

Potain MC320 k16 Tower Crane, It's a comprehensive solution for modern construction challenges. With its impressive features and reliability, it's an investment that pays off. Whether you're tackling small projects or large-scale developments, this crane has got you covered. Don't let your construction project fall behind – consider the POTAIN MC320 for your next big build.

Asosiy xususiyatlar

Packaging and Delivery

  • Packaging Details: 40HC containers; high-quality wooden cages for electrical parts.

After-Sales Service

  1. We welcome customer suggestions on pricing and products.
  2. Provide installation videos to help customers save on installation costs.
  3. Send free spare parts within the warranty period.
  4. Provide installation manuals, operation manuals, and electrical drawings.
  5. 24/7 online service.


Tower cranes are available in hammerhead, flat top, and luffing jib varieties with different hook heights, jib lengths, and lifting capacities. Unsure which crane to choose? Let us know your requirements, and we will assist you in selecting the most appropriate tower crane for your construction site needs.

  1. What is the required tower crane height?
  2. What is the jib length?
  3. What is the tip load?
  4. What is the maximum lifting load?
  5. What is the power supply requirement?
  6. What is the required quantity?
  7. Is it FOB Shanghai price or CIF price? If CIF price is needed, please provide the destination port.

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2019 Potain MC320 K16 Tower Crane For Sale - Photo2

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