70m Jib Max. Load 12 Ton Topkit Tower Crane
Zoomlion T7020-12E - mukammal ko'tarish ko'rsatkichlari, silliq burilish, moslashuvchan bo'shliq, xavfsizlik va ishonchlilik va yuqori ko'tarish samaradorligi bilan tekis tepali minora krani. U Zoomlion tomonidan Yevropadan ilg'or texnologiyalarni integratsiyalash va o'rta va yuqori darajadagi bozorlarni uyda va chet elda yo'naltirish orqali yangi ishlab chiqilgan.
Yuklash turi: | Tepasi tekis minorali kran | Maksimal ish diapazoni va uchi yuki (m/t) | 70/2 |
Brend nomi: | zoomlion | Model: | T7020-12 |
Maks. Yuklash: | 12 tonna | Ip uzunligi: | 70 m |
Jib uchiga yuklang: | 2 tonna | Vaziyat | Ishlatilgan |
Mast bo'limi hajmi: | 2x2x3m | Yil | 2020 |
Zoomlion T7020-12E minora krani quyidagi parametr va xususiyatlarga ega:
Maksimal yuk ko'tarish quvvati: 12 tonna.
The maximum working radius is 70 meters.
The maximum independent height is 60 meters.
Maximum lifting speed: 104 meters per minute.
The structure of the tower crane is designed in accordance with European EN standards, using German JOST technology. It has a simple structure and is easy to install.
The jib length is 70 meters at the longest and 30 meters at the shortest, and there are 9 combinations of jib lengths.
Positioning system with micro-buttons on the handle and positioning speed down to 5 mm/sec. Equipped with a safety monitoring system, real-time monitoring of the entire working status of the machine and the hoisting mechanism of the rope row at a glance effectively guarantee the safe operation of the tower crane.
In addition, the tower crane also adopts remote management technology to realize equipment information management, working status, alarm data recording, tracking and analysis, remote control, and other functions. If you are interested in the Zoomlion T7020-12E tower crane, please feel free to contact us.