Qurilish minorasi krani WA7025 o'z-o'zidan qo'llab-quvvatlanadigan statsionar minora krani yuki 12 tonna

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Mahsulot tavsifi

Model NO:WA7025-12

Maksimal ish diapazoni va uchi yuki (m/t):70/2,5 (m/t)

Maks. Yuk ko'tarish:12t

Mast bo'limi hajmi:2x2x3m





Biz mijozlarimizga samaradorlikni oshirish va xarajatlarni kamaytirishga yordam berish uchun yuqori sifatli, ishonchli ishlatiladigan minora kran uskunalarini taqdim etamiz.

Construction Tower Crane WA7025 Self-Supporting Fixed Tower Crane Load: 12 Ton

Bog'lash turi: Tepasi tekis minorali kran Ichki raqam zlp17-1
Brend nomi: zoomlion Model: WA7025-12
Maks. Yuklash: 12 tonna Ip uzunligi: 70 m
Jib uchiga yuklang: 2,5 tonna Vaziyat Ishlatilgan
Mast bo'limi hajmi: 2x2x3m Yil 2020

"Batafsil fotosuratlar"

Construction Tower Crane WA7025 Self-Supporting Fixed Tower Crane Load 12ton - Photo1 Construction Tower Crane WA7025 Self-Supporting Fixed Tower Crane Load 12ton - Photo2 Construction Tower Crane WA7025 Self-Supporting Fixed Tower Crane Load 12ton - Photo3 Construction Tower Crane WA7025 Self-Supporting Fixed Tower Crane Load 12ton - Photo4 Construction Tower Crane WA7025 Self-Supporting Fixed Tower Crane Load 12ton - Photo5 Construction Tower Crane WA7025 Self-Supporting Fixed Tower Crane Load 12ton - Photo6

"Minora kranining mahsulot afzalliklari"

Discover the great value of the used Zoomlion WA7025 tower crane, which combines excellent performance and advanced safety features at an unbeatable price. This used crane offers outstanding lifting capacity to ensure safety on construction sites. Discover its superior performance, safety measures, maneuverability, and user-friendly design tailored for used tower crane guiding heads.

Used Zoomlion WA7025 tower cranes offer excellent lifting performance and are ideal for cost-conscious construction projects. With a maximum lifting capacity of 10 to 12 tons and lifting speeds of up to 95m/min, it remains at the forefront of the industry. It offers a wide range of jib length combinations, from 30m to an impressive 70m, to accommodate a variety of job site requirements.

Safety is a top priority for the used Zoomlion WA7025 tower crane. With triple lifting weight protection and double torque protection to strictly prevent overload situations. Triple anti-collision protection and double anti-collision protection ensure safe lifting heights. The intelligent detection system in the electrical control unit provides additional protection against hook slippage. It features an inclined climbing ladder and a large platform to minimize the risk of falling and create a safe working environment. The lifting arm pin connection enhances resistance to sudden unloading and accidental collisions, further mitigating the risk.

Construction Tower Crane WA7025 Self-Supporting Fixed Tower Crane Load 12ton - Photo7

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