Zoomlion T7015-10 minora krani

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Mahsulot tavsifi

Model NO:T7015-10

Maksimal ish diapazoni va uchi yuki (m/t):70/1,5 (m/t)

Maks. Yuk ko'tarish:10t

Mast bo'limi hajmi:L68A1(2x2x3m)





Biz mijozlarimizga samaradorlikni oshirish va xarajatlarni kamaytirishga yordam berish uchun yuqori sifatli, ishonchli ishlatiladigan minora kran uskunalarini taqdim etamiz.

Zoomlion T7015-10 Load Chart and Specification

First paragraph: The Zoomlion T7015-10E flathead tower crane is a cutting-edge construction crane designed for high-rise and super-high-rise projects. With its impressive performance parameters and technical specifications, it has a maximum working range of 70 meters and a lifting height of 200 meters, in line with international standards. The crane's stylish and popular design has attracted users worldwide, making it the first choice for domestic and international construction projects.

"Asosiy ma'lumotlar"

Bog'lash turi: Tepasi tekis minorali kran Ichki raqam zlp14-1
Brend nomi: zoomlion Model: T7015-10
Maks. Yuklash: 10 Ton Ip uzunligi: 70 m
Jib uchiga yuklang: 1,5 tonna Vaziyat Ishlatilgan
Mast bo'limi hajmi:  2x2x3m Yil 2013

"Batafsil fotosuratlar"

Zoomlion T7015-10 Tower Crane - Photo1Zoomlion T7015-10 Tower Crane - Photo2 Zoomlion T7015-10 Tower Crane - Photo3 Zoomlion T7015-10 Tower Crane - Photo4

Safety is crucial in the design of the T7015-10E tower crane. It contains various mechanical and electromechanical safety devices for demanding construction environments. The weight limiter, torque limiter, height limiter, and other devices are introduced with advanced foreign technology and localized. The design of this crane follows or exceeds national standards and incorporates mature and reliable advanced technology to ensure its safe, reliable, and efficient operation. With its impressive features, the T7015-10E tower crane is an ideal choice for high-rise buildings, bridges, water conservancy projects, large industrial plants, and other large construction projects.



Zoomlion T7015-10 Tower Crane - Photo5

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