Zoomlion T7525-16 Tower Crane

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Mahsulot tavsifi

Model NO:T7525-16

Maksimal ish diapazoni va uchi yuki (m/t):75/2,5 (m/t)

Maks. Yuk ko'tarish:16t

Mast bo'limi hajmi:2x2x3m





Biz mijozlarimizga samaradorlikni oshirish va xarajatlarni kamaytirishga yordam berish uchun yuqori sifatli, ishonchli ishlatiladigan minora kran uskunalarini taqdim etamiz.

The Zoomlion T7525-16 flat-head tower crane has the following advantages compared with traditional tower cranes:

Suitable for group tower operation: a flat-top tower cancels the tower head; the overall height of the group tower cross-operation can be greatly reduced; and group tower construction is safer and more efficient.

Convenient disassembly: the flathead tower crane boom section of the special connection makes its boom section-by-section disassembly very easy and safe. If the length of the boom needs to be changed during construction, the addition or subtraction of the boom sections can be completed in the air.

Long service life and high safety: the cross-section size of a flat-top tower ledge is usually larger than that of ordinary tower cranes of the same level, especially because the height and stiffness of the cross-section are larger and the flexural deformation is smaller when lifting loads, which greatly improves the service life and safety of the steel structure of the boom.

Yuklash turi: Tepasi tekis minorali kran Maksimal ish diapazoni va uchi yuki (m/t) 75/2.5
Brend nomi: zoomlion Model: T7525-16
Maks. Yuklash: 16 tonna Ip uzunligi: 75 m
Jib uchiga yuklang: 2,5 tonna Vaziyat Ishlatilgan
Mast bo'limi hajmi: L68B2 Yil 2019


Zoomlion T7525-16 Tower Crane - Photo1 Zoomlion T7525-16 Tower Crane - Photo2 Zoomlion T7525-16 Tower Crane - Photo3 Zoomlion T7525-16 Tower Crane - Photo4


Zoomlion T7525-16 Tower Crane - Photo5

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